Hey Locals,
Here's what we came up with. I would've loved to add a lot more, but we consulted with some others who referred us to how Gallup asked some of these questions, plus added one or two of our own.
There are many others I wanted add because everyone had a great suggestions, but it was a massive survey considering it's also about politics. Hopefully, we can get to a place where we do these separate.
This is the version we cloned from the online mode for you all to take on Locals. Curious to compare the results.
We're going to shoot for about n=3000 sample size for this national poll.
I feel like tearing off my clothes and dancing in the rain (snow on Tuesday). Ofc I'm entirely too old to do that. But...
We were SO right.
Here's Snoop, who rapped "F--K Donald Trump" in 2017, now performing at a Trump supporting inauguration party.
Watch Live 3:00 PM EST — Robert Barnes and Rich Baris discuss in detail bombshell results within the Public Polling Project for Early Spring 2021, and more civil unrest amid the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd.
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Theme Song: "Highway" By Grammy Considered Bowen Band
Welp, that stinks. I wanted to be the one with my son to get his permit. But might have to swap me out for Laura and have the daughter watch the little one to do a show.
Time flies by, folks. My oldest is basically going to be driving soon. Time just goes so fast.
The Babylon Bee - 9 Dangerous Weapons Being Confiscated By British Police:
Watching people attempt to "unskew" polls conducted by all walks of this industry—ranging from Nate Cohn at The New York Times to Spencer Kimball at Emerson College to Tim Malloy at Quinnipiac—all to deny Donald Trump's gains against Joe Biden with various voting blocs, is more than a little sad.
The slew of recent polls over two weeks—to include no less than four today alone—have simply confirmed prior findings published from other pollsters who have previously been "unskewed". That includes your's truly and our work at BIG DATA POLL, Mark Penn at Harvard University, Patrick Ruffini at Echelon Insights, and many others.
I'm temped to equate this with an Occam's razor-like situation. But this debate is more about likelihood than simplicity.
Here's the Presidential Vote Preference Trend for Biden v. Trump going back to August 2020. The Public Polling Project did not begin asking the Rematch Question for 2024 until September 2021. However, we can still make some pretty important and interesting observations.