Hey Seth Levy, I know you are a part of this community and I saw you retweet this. When you work in an industry and have built your livelihood in a profession that is being threatened by H1Bs and hordes of non citizen foreigners it is a big deal and it does matter.
I've had my job offshored to India TWICE and then another job I was replaced onsite by an Indian. 3 times since 2020 I've lost my job to foreigners. 3 fucking times.
It's no different from illegals coming in to take blue collar jobs. It's no different from manufacturing jobs in the rust belt being shipped overseas.
Many of us have worked hard to gain skills to allow us to make a living in the tech space and the H1B apologists call us lazy, entitled, dumb and stupid and we all deserve to lose our jobs because our professors were woke or something
Here it is!
Unfortunately, none of us won it. But you all raised $345 for dancers on the team. Here is my daughter and two of her team members doing the drawing for the winner.
Ofc, we got their parents' permissions to show them.
Thank you all!
Watch Live 3:00 PM EST — Robert Barnes and Rich Baris discuss in detail bombshell results within the Public Polling Project for Early Spring 2021, and more civil unrest amid the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd.
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Theme Song: "Highway" By Grammy Considered Bowen Band
Happy New Year's Eve, Locals!
It's been an absolutely crazy year. In truth, I feel as if all these years since 2020 have blended into one, very long, frankly very exhausting, single year.
We are very much looking forward to the year ahead.
Laura and I hope you all have a safe, wonderful New Year's Eve!
Hey everyone!
Just a quick reminder that Book Club is starting the Sunday after the New Year holiday, which is in the middle of the week and should give people plenty of time.
Nations and Identities: Classic Readings (1st Edition) is the book. I've linked it below.
The Babylon Bee - Hoping To Win Back Conservatives, Disney Announces New Animated Film 'Jumpy The Homo-Punching Kangaroo':
Watching people attempt to "unskew" polls conducted by all walks of this industry—ranging from Nate Cohn at The New York Times to Spencer Kimball at Emerson College to Tim Malloy at Quinnipiac—all to deny Donald Trump's gains against Joe Biden with various voting blocs, is more than a little sad.
The slew of recent polls over two weeks—to include no less than four today alone—have simply confirmed prior findings published from other pollsters who have previously been "unskewed". That includes your's truly and our work at BIG DATA POLL, Mark Penn at Harvard University, Patrick Ruffini at Echelon Insights, and many others.
I'm temped to equate this with an Occam's razor-like situation. But this debate is more about likelihood than simplicity.
Here's the Presidential Vote Preference Trend for Biden v. Trump going back to August 2020. The Public Polling Project did not begin asking the Rematch Question for 2024 until September 2021. However, we can still make some pretty important and interesting observations.